Summary of I Tell Conference 2018
Conference 2018
“CALL and MALL to Enhance Thinking
13th – 14th 2018, Best Western Premiere, Solo Baru.
by Universitas Sebelas Maret
Parallel Sessions
1. Paskalina
Widiastuti Ratnaningsih
lived Experience of Using Seesaw Class Application in English Class”
The research applied
pedagogy-based approach which was used in an accounting English class. In
addition, the methodology used by the researcher to obtain the data was
obervation and in-dept interview. Triangulation was also used by the researcher
to make sure the validity of data. Somehow like other researches, this research has several advantages and
disadvantages. Two of advantages are; the usage of this app is able to increase
the students’ confidence because the activities were conducted through smartphone
without meeting in person. Another
advantage is most of the students felt happy when doing the instruction using
the app. For the barriers, this method of learning cannot be done by old-type smartphone
and the maximal upload of data for this app is just 50 MB.
2. Lina
Herlina and Kartika Tarwati
students’ speaking achievement by integrating the use of smartphone application
as model of teaching”
This research is
conducted by the following reasons; speaking is a priority and students are
anxious to speak up. The researcher used CAR (Classroom Acion Research)
applying mobile video story to teach speaking class. Firstly, the students were
divided into several groups, students then
made and edit video based on the given script. After video was created,
the students uploaded it. The comparison of scoring cycle is really incredible.
The grades increased after using the app. Cycle 1, the score was around 65. For
cycle 2, the score was 70. The final cycle, the score was 75.
3. Rodiyah
Fitria and Inggy Yuliani Pribady
Use of Writing Generator to Encourage Students’ interest in Narrative Writing”
The aim of this research
is to catch the students’ interest in writing. The researcher used RPG app
which stands for Random Plot Generator. One of the main function of this app is
to make a story line for the students. Students can access to participate in this learning. The focus of researcher
using this app is to increase the students’ ability especially in Narrative
4. Itje
Me and I Learn More”
The title probably seems
query but the content served is really awesome. This research is carried out
because of the following background; 1. Unsatisfied time allocation for public
speaking, 2. Various level of competences possessed by the students, 3. Low
students’ motivation to learn speaking. The two main purposes for this reasearch
The steps of learning is started from the recording. Anykind of conversation
activities such as discussion and chatting were recorded. The students learnt
some criques and suggestions from the facilitator who is the teacher. Time
after time, the students made improvements in their speaking. During the
project process, the teacher should always pay attention on the objectives
which want to be achieved. Some teachers may be carried away by the
The purpose of the project
is to give more time for students to practice speaking and to develop digital
literacy and critical thinking. Students learnt and improved after making
mistakes. In the end, the students finally obtain some benefits as follows; 1.
Students control their body language, 2. Students eliminate their shyness, 3.
Students control their time when talking, 3. Students correct their language
mistakes, 4. Students control their own progress.
5. Suhartini
Syukri, Isna Humaerah and Sarjania Zur
Classroom: Creating Teaching Media in Islamic Instructional Context”
The reasons why this
reasearch was conducted was because the oberved class just had very little time
to learn English. In contrast, the target of their graduates must be able to
teach using English language. Flipped classroom combined two important aspects
which were media for teaching islamic context and the students’ perception. For
the method, the resaerchers used obervation and questionaire in the frame of
blend theory approach. After all, the students finally reached the expected
targets which one of them was being able to implement islamic values in the context
of learning English.
1. Grace
Nathania Clara Sabandar and Yessy Zakaria
Bring the Fun into the Classroom!”
One of the main
backrounds of this research is the boredom experienced by students in the
classroom. With the little and tricky modification of a teacher, this game is
able to appear as a solution to bring the fun into the classroom. The game is
in the form of questions which need to be answered by the students thorugh
online smartphone or personal computer. The students just need to sign in then
log in in To make the game fun, the teacher can make a group
containing three people. A group just needs an online gadget so if the class
conssists of 10 groups, it will require 10 gadgets.
The reason why it becomes
fun is the competition among the groups. After all of the students log in
and the teacher shows kahoot app in the
big screen which is able to be noticed by the students, the questions then are
displayed. The fastest group which is able to answer the question is the
winner. Besides the fun offered, this app obliges the group to provide a
smartphone which sometimes is expensive.
2. Made
Hery Santosa
Reality: Enhancing Thinking Skills of Generation Z in the Age of Digital
There are lots of learning
theories introduced by philosophists. This project opts to use connectivism in
maximizing the learning process in the classroom. The researcher focussed on
the VR (Virtual Reality) to present the real experience of learning. Mr. Hery,
as the researcher, adopted the Kathy Schrock’s learning model; SAMR which
stands for Class Task, Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition. The
usage of VR in the context of critical thinking skills appears as the
tangible-feeling experience for the students to enjoy the learning process such
as history and science. In history lesson, the students can feel the experience
of seeing the pyramid directly. For science students, they can also witness the
obvious experience of seeing the Milky Way. With little touch by teacher using
SAMR, usage of VR is useful to enhance the critical thinking.
Keynote Speaker
1. Dr.
Gumawang Jati
Resources to Thinking Skills”
Mr. Gumawang Jati firstly
explained the history of i-TELL which was commenced at Christian University of
Satya Wacana (UKSW) in Salatiga in 2016. Two following years then the
conference was repeated but in different place which was Sebelas Maret University
Solo. I-Tell itself stands for Indonesia Technology Enhanced Language Learning.
Mr. Gumawang emphasized that learning model should follow the development of
technology which grew faster that was why using technology to enhance language
learning was important.
Furthermore, Mr. Gumawang
introduced some useful websites and apps which supported learning activities.
The interactive learning such as,, and were presented in front of the audiences. He added some
sites for Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps such as and which could be used for speaking practice.
In the end, from what had
been explained by Mr. Gumawang, the main point was that utilizing technology
for English teacher was totally a must because students developed and teacher
should not be left behind in technology.
Plenary Speaker
1. Dr.
Nur Arifah Drajati
(Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge): The Concept and Practice in
the Classroom”
The development of technology
made some inovations and adjustments in teaching and learning process. TPACK is
knowledge of using various technologies to teach, represent, and facilitate
knowledge creation of specific subject content. There were three aspects which
were interconnected in TPACK. Those were how technology was used, how the
teacher taught, and how the students learnt. But before TPACK is really applied
in the classroom, both teacher and students should possess technological
knowledges. Those technological knowledges are how to use technological tools,
select-use-integrate into curriculum, and new insight for students in learning.
2. Riezky
Bullying and Child Protection”
The surprising
presentation from Mr. Riezky about cyber abuse really shocked the whole
audiences. Mr. Rizky divided the level of internet users into three. Those were
clearnet, deep net and dark net. Clearnet is public-internet facilities which
can be enjoyed by all of level of societies. The examples of clearnet are
google search, thejakarta post, BBC, and etc. Meanwhile the deep net is more
private. The user must use pasword or code to use it. The examples are
facebook, BBM, What’s App, and etc. and the last one is dark net. It is the the
most private site which often is used for crime such as drugs transaction,
terrors, and etc.
Mr. Riezky also displayed the abuse
of internet use toward a girl namely Amanda Todd. She committed suicide because
of being depressed of being bullied by people. She was treatened and terrorred
by a stranger from internet. Since then, the terrors by the stranger used to
come until it caused the people around her going away. She finally ended her
life in the age of 15 years old. This shaked the world attention to care more
about cyber bullying.